In today’s training, we’re talking about the practical strategies you can use to start showing up as an authority.
You’ll learn:
- The 10 different strategies for stories & feed posts for 2023 that will make your audience SEE you as an authority & build desire to work with you
- The subliminal authoritative elements (words/sentences) that will subconsciously trigger your ideal audiences that you’re an authority
- The 3 authoritative elements to add in EACH post making each feed post more authoritative
- You’ll know what to do/say/post/and talk about in order to become the full-blown, money-making authority
- & more
Download your Authority Statement Starters for Bio
Here’s the how to build your authority on stories video training:
[Note: This is not JUST for stories, you can also use these at other content pieces as well. Go figure😂]
[Corresponding training] 7 HACKS to collect more authority elements: