BONUSES (for in-depth learning)

DM Rules + Authentic DM Conversations

LESSON 1: DM Rules + Authentic DM Conversations

In this lesson, we cover some DM rules that you need to take care of while talking to people inside the DMs & how to have authentic DM conversations: the WRONG and the RIGHT ways of talking inside the DMs & building relationships with people.

DM Rules Included Within:

  1. Never start a conversation by asking “How are you” or “How’s your business going?” or “Would love to know more about you/your business.” or “Let’s get to know each other.” or “Where are you from?”
  2. Don’t send voice messages right away!
  3. Don’t send LONG messages, especially when you’re selling to them!
  4. Never ever try to get cold followers into your offers.
  5. See the other person as human.
  6.  Stop asking someone to follow you or sending your recent posts through the DMs.
  7.  If you’re not in mood of the conversation, mark it as unread & get back to it later.
  8. Make your messages customized to them
  9. Show your authority