LESSON 2: How to Start the Convo Authentically + Filling up Your DMs
In this lesson, we cover how to fill up your DMs with amazing DM conversations & how to start the conversation naturally so that the other person doesn’t feel like you’re coming out of nowhere.
NOTE: Go through the text below while going through the audio so you get the context of what I’m talking about!
Tips Included:
1. Reply to each & every one who vote on your story stickers.
Scripts included:
“Btw, I’m curious to know how do you take these professional pictures all by yourself?”
“Do you focus on keto diet every quarter?”
“This question is killing me inside, so I’m just gonna ask away – how do you manage your business along with having 3 kids by your side? Doesn’t it make it difficult for you?”
“How do you manage your time with having 3 kids, a business & a full-time job? Do you ever sleep?”
2. Watch stories & reply to them
Scripts included: “I was going through your profile & this post naturally caught my eye because ___________ (give them a reason!)”
The example post used:
Script used:
“This post literally caught my attention because I was exactly the same as on the left side. At first, I took this as these are the things that I’m supposed to do & then I thought, why isn’t it working?
But, then I read it correctly, & now I see where I was going wrong. This post helped a lot in clearing some of the things in my mind.
Out of curiosity, do you plan out your posts in advance or do you just go with the flow?”
3. Make your regular engagers feel seen
4. Take the comment conversation back to the DMs
Script included: “This is going too much to and fro, let’s take this conversation to the DM so I can provide personalized answers”
5. When someone follows, thank them
Script included:
“Hey! That post about _______ (blank) is amazing, love watching your kids doing that! Btw, thanks for the follow, really appreciate that!”
6. Do fun polls every other day on stories to connect back with your followers
Scripts included:
“OMG, me too girl, I’m obsessed, are you a Domino’s fan too?/Which one is your fav?”
“No waaay, what makes you not like ‘pizza’? Is there any ingredient that makes you not like it?”