June Masterclass

June Masterclass - Your Special Pre-Sale Price

Learn the art of creating your custom offer messaging that creates sold out launches.

This price is only available for the next 48 hours.

The price will increase when I share the name, branding & more details about this offer.

If you feel the nudge, join right now.

$200USD $25

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1-month Intensive

Wanna make sure that you’re *really* nailing your messaging the right way so that your upcoming launch (or any promotion) doesn’t fall flat on your face?

Get a short-term intensive with me where we work on your messaging + launch plan together.

You get:

  • Two sessions of 1h30min each to be held on Zoom.
  • plan of action with defined tasks focused on achieving your goals based on the assessments made in the session.
  • One month of exclusive support through Voxer, to provide you with an open channel for clarification and guidance on the matters discussed in our meeting.

Intensive regular price: $350

If you get it along with this masterclass: $150 only.

Results don't lie 👇🏼

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